Patti Jo’s Country:  A New Year Shines


new year shines treesIt snowed. White covers the ground and decorates the trees of a 24 degree world. The men are growing beards and people are out shoveling the walkways, not just to their own homes, but in front of their neighbor’s houses too! I love Idaho. Christmas is done and a new year shines as a beacon of hope – of impending prosperity – of endless possibilities for we who live in rural America. 

The doorbell rings and the mailman is there with a smile and ear flaps. People here have warm hearts. They’re happy even though the animals in the field need fed twice a day and, did I mention, it’s cold. The mailman seems happy even though he has to deliver the mail to frozen Emmett, but it is so beautiful.

When I told people I was moving to Idaho, the comeback phrase was: It’s cold in Idaho. Now that I am here, I seem to have adapted because, even though the thermostat says it’s cold, I do not feel cold. I am comfortable in my snow boots and the scarf my Daughter in Love knitted me for Christmas. My new year shines as the sun on the new snow. My heart is bright and joyous. Neighbors stop to chat and laugh. Friends stop by with homemade cookies and peanut brittle. 

My kitchen smells divine with the scent of sourdough biscuits. Something about Idaho, especially during this season, makes me feel like cooking.

There is a feeling of optimism, that our American Way of life is being brought back – reinvented to something better. There is an empowerment of righteous living that feels good. It feels good to be honest, courageous, caring and patriotic. American flags are a common site here adding red accents to the aging bungalows and lovely Victorians draped in snow.

We are aware that the leader of our country is making it safe to be American and we do not believe the polls that say his approval rating is down. Nobody asked us. We are beginning to find jobs and feel it is possible to sign our kids up for music lessons and finally get the car fixed. We are the middle class of rural America, a pragmatic, sensible, informed populace numbering in the millions who are never asked what we think about our President. We love him. We are Democrat, Republican, Independent, Black, White, Brown, Yellow and Red, White and Blue. For the first time in a very long time, we are filled with confidence that a New Year Shines bright for all America. The light at the end of the tunnel is here.

A New Year Shines

Words and music by Patti Jo Roth-Edwards copyright 2017

I can feel the world begin to shine
As the people come awake – begin to thrive
I stand in harmony with all of humanity
Begin anew to live and be

My sad heart has found a way
A spark of light warmed a dark cold day
I let love in, the new begins
I can feel the world begin to shine

I raise my eyes to a new bright sky
Dawning of my brand new life
A new year begun- a brand new time
I can feel the year begin to shine

And as the world begins anew
The light of one love is shared by two
Hand in hand we move forward toward the light
And soon we begin to shine

Can you feel the world begin to shine

Can you feel your heat is whole and your life sublime

the year is new – hand in hand with you 

Watch and see, the world begins to shine!


I can feel the world begin to shine

I can feel the world beginning to shine

I can feel the world begins to shine

I can feel it shine.



  1. Beautiful. Perfect timing, to ring in a new Year, a new beginning. Thank you for sharing. Your music shows your heart and soul, and the depth of each. Happy New Year to all of us! May 2018 be great!😀👼

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