Terri’s Cafe Monte Cristo Sandwich: Is This The Best Brunch Food Ever?


Terri's Cafe has a delicious Monte Cristo sandwichBreakfast and lunch times are usually fraught with indecision. Sweet or savory? Am I in a breakfast mood or a lunch mood? Years ago, a creation came about that answers all these questions and more. The classic Monte Cristo Sandwich came about in the early 1900’s and has evolved from there. Several places make it, but the best seems to be the Terri’s Cafe Monte Cristo Sandwich. Terri’s, a popular place for breakfast and lunch in Meridian, has nailed the balance exactly right. So what is a Monte Cristo?

In its most basic form a Monte Cristo is a French Toast sandwich filled with ham and turkey. Powdered sugar garnishes it and there’s is usually jam or jelly to dip it in. The Monte Cristo Sandwich at Terri’s Cafe ups the sandwich in a few ways. First, they put some nice crispy bacon on it. Secondly, cheddar cheese also adds a tangy taste to the sandwich. Finally, you can get maple syrup to dip it in, which really adds to the flavor profile. Between the savory ham and bacon, the slightly sweet French Toast and the sweet syrup, this hits all the points for breakfast and lunch. With a dill pickle on the side, you have yet another flavor and texture contraast to the plate.

Terri's Cafe has a delicious Monte Cristo SandwichAfter several trips to try this sandwich, I was amazed at one of the most difficult things to do right—-cooking the French Toast. The cook at Terri’s Cafe knows the sweet spot to cooking it, neither overdone with black spots, or worse (and believe me I’ve had it at other places this way) underdone, gooey and mushy. Overall, the Terri’s Cafe Monte Cristo Sandwich is by far the best version of this sandwich I have had. It’s a filling sandwich too, so perfect for those who might have missed breakfast and want something to really fill yourself up.

There are several choices for sides with the sandwiches. Cole Slaw, fries, soup or even a side salad are good choices. But if you want to just roll the dice and make it a great meal, for a small upcharge you can get a side of onion rings. Again, the contrast of crunchy with soft means that not just are the flavors are good, but the texture contrasts make this a meal to savor. Hitting that magic spot where it can satisfy both breakfast and lunch is not always easy, but the Monte Cristo Sandwich at Terri’s Cafe seems to hit all the right buttons.

A few years ago, when Terri took over the wonderful Steve’s Cafe, she strived to not only keep many of the same recipes such as the Fresh Huckleberry Stuffed French Toast and the homemade sausage, but she has added some new dishes that keep the place fresh. Over the years now Terri has really made it her own and it has become a favorite place for breakfast and lunch for many in the Treasure Valley. With the delicious Cafe Monte Cristo Sandwich, you can even had your breakfast and lunch too.

Terri’s Cafe

2483 E. Fairview Avenue

Meridian, ID 83642

(208) 887-1133
