Boise’s 2022 Treefort Film Lineup Offers a Strong Selection From Music in Motion to Wacky & Weird

Flicks 2022 Treefort Film Lineup

2022 Treefort Film Lineup is setThe 5-day Treefort Music Festival (March 23-27) is once again offering an impressive lineup for cinephiles during its 3-day Filmfort (March 24-26). There are 28 films on offer to date in several categories including Local Gems; Bright, Wacky & Weird; Music in Motion; and Tethered by Tempo.

Bite-Size Films

There are short shorts, the shortest, ‘cylinder day’ clocking in at 2 minutes and 41 seconds is described as “bright, wacky & weird.” Also in the Bright, Wacky & Weird category are two 6-minute-long short shorts, ‘Scam Likely’ and ‘Meet Daddy.’

If you’re looking for something a bit longer but still weird, wacky, and bright, there’s ‘Little Creep’ (6min26sec). ‘The Field,’ in the Local Gems category, is slightly longer at 6 minutes and 33 seconds but not so weird nor quite so wacky.

Snack-Size Films

Pictures to see for 2022 Treefort Film LineupFilms of the short variety, between 8 and 28 minutes long, total 14. If you want to keep the music vibe of Treefort going, there are ‘fulcrum’ (8min13sec), ‘Last Days of August’ (13min), ‘otava’ (15min), and ‘No Pain’ (28mins). All are in the Tethered by Tempo category.

Feature-Length Films

If you’re looking for a more traditional movie-going experience, Filmfort offers 8 films with runtimes between 69 and 101 minutes. These range from ‘Down with the King’ (100min) about a famous, disillusioned rapper who leaves that world and moves to a small farming community to ‘The Caring Only Cry at Night’ (70min21sec), a near-future dystopian film that explores how society views aging and the aged to the 56-minute film ‘Broken Wings’ about two women and a vulture that asks “Can a bird who devours the dead inspire the living?”

Looking for an authentic cinéma verité documentary “woven between an interview-driven narrative”? Filmfort has you covered with ‘Street Heroines’ (72min), a film that celebrates equality and cultural identity by introducing viewers to a group of women who create art that reflects both.

Moods and Modalities

In addition to the films mentioned above is mixed media ecofeminist tragicomedy (‘Our Mine’), bizarre folklore (‘Telos or Bust’), intersectional drama (‘Two-Spirits’), mystery (‘Stray Dogs’), and more reflecting the fantastical and the real.

So many ideas, so many moods, so many styles, and so many lengths to choose from! And two distinct viewing experiences too.




Flicks 2022 Treefort Film LineupThe Flicks—a local theater that every local indie film fan knows and loves—and the conveniently located Boise Centre East (both in downtown Boise and 0.3 miles and an approximate 8 minute walk apart) will host this year’s lineup. The Flicks offers assisted listening devices.

Whether you’re looking for entertainment and intellectual stimulation that doesn’t demand a large chunk of your time or a viewing experience long enough for your seat to get warm and your hands and elbows to get coated in popcorn butter, Filmfort’s lineup is guaranteed to have several tempting options.

Download the Treefort app for Apple or Android to see lineups for all 11 Forts along with descriptions of each event, times, and locations. You can even mark your favorites to create a custom entertainment experience that you’ll be talking about until Treefort 2023 and well beyond.