Come Hell or High Water in Boise


It’s. So. Hot. Every summer I think is the year I’ll finally be used to the triple-digit weather we have in Boise. Unfortunately, this year I’m not doing so well. With the high temperatures and even higher water levels in the Boise River, I often find myself thinking about the phrase “come hell or high water,” and chuckle because this year, we’re living in both.

Normally this time of year the Boise River is littered with people floating it. I’ve floated the river once a couple of years ago and enjoyed the relief from the heat. Luckily I had the luxury to float early in the season so there wasn’t a hoard of people out there with our small raft. In past years I have watched as what seems like hundreds of people float down the river making it look more claustrophobic than refreshing. However, as I drive over the Americana Bridge in a car with no AC, I find myself yearning for that cool relief even if it means I have to join everyone and their mother on the river.

River Float Map at bottom of post

After a crazy amount of snow pack this last winter and heavy rain in the spring, the Boise River along with the greenbelt has been out of commission. With the high water levels in the spring/summer, the greenbelt and access to the river had been shut down with rumors that the 2017 float season would be cancelled.

Do not fret dear reader, our hell-like temperatures will soon be embraced by all as we lounge and take full advantage of the high water of the Boise River. According to Float the Boise River’s Facebook page, the float season opens Saturday July 29th! The Boise River Raft & Tube rental and shuttle company provide service to floaters needing to rent rafts and safety gear at the Barber Park put in. The route of the float begins at Barber Park and ends at Ann Morrison Park (see map). All of the Barber Park services, which includes the Boise River Raft & Tube rentals will open at 10am so bring sunscreen, water and those good times. The first shuttle back to Barber Park will leave Ann Morrison Park at 12pm on Saturday.

Be safe, have fun and be sure to tag any photos to @theboisebeat on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. See you out there!