The Total Solar Eclipse 2017 Was Totally Awesome in Sweet, Idaho


Taken in Sweet, Idaho, total Solar Eclipse 2017 Totality Taken in Sweet, Idaho, Total Solar Eclipse2017 Diamond Ring

watching the solar eclipse 2017 at Triange Restaurant, Sweet, Idaho
Jeanette and others watching the solar eclipse 2017 at Triangle Restaurant, Sweet, Idaho

I drove up to the Triangle Restaurant in Sweet, Idaho, less than an hour from Boise and in the Path of Totality of the Total Solar Eclipse 2017. What an amazing thing to see! And everyone at the Triangle Restaurant was great!

A nice crowd gathered for the event and traffic heading back to Boise on ID55 was not too bad at all. All in all, a wonderful experience. The Total Eclipse 2017 was truly a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Photos by Ed Simon for The Boise Beat.