The Southwest Idaho All British Field Meet 2018 filled the Village at Meridian last Sunday with 107 classic British cars and 4 motocycles. From Mini Cooper to Rolls-Royce, MG to Lotus; and Austin-Healey to Triumph, the cars showed love and care from their owners and welcomed a large crowd to see them. On a picture-perfect day, the crowd got a chance to admire some of the most famous marques to ever come out of Great Britian. From as far as Portland, Oregon; Roy, Utah; Everett, Washington and Reno, Nevada the cars showed up. Of course, Idaho was well represented with plenty of cars from Boise, Meridian, Star, Nampa, Caldwell and Fruitland.
Plenty of trophies covering 18 classes of British automobiles were given out by the club members of the Idaho British Car Club. Both the People’s Choice Award and the Best in Show Award went to Mike Cady for his beautiful 1954 Jaguar XK120 Coupe.
Photo gallery follows post
There was even a one of a kind car at the show, a 1949 Oxford Taxi, complete with meter and luggage. A great turnout was made by owners of two classic car companies, with a great showing of Triumph and Morgan automobiles. With many of the hoods up, guests got to see the engine compartments of many of these classic cars.
The Southwest Idaho All British Field Meet 2018, which benefitted the Meridian Food Bank, also gave everyone to enjoy some Beatles music as West Abbey Road played. West Abbey Road was a hit at the 2017 show and again had the crowd moving and dancing to classic tunes from the Fab Four. All in all, it was much nicer to see the cars on a sunny day at the Village at Meridian, in Idaho than on A Foggy Day in London Town. Whether a Jaguar or a Morris Minor, there were certainly some great examples of British automotive engineering at the Southwest Idaho All British Field Meet 2018.
Southwest Idaho All British Field Meet 2018 website
Idaho British Car Club Facebook Page
All photos by Ed Simon for The Boise Beat. Photo Gallery follows