A Different Kind Of Easter, Poetry In Boise


Easter Easter eggs from Wikimedia Commons A Different Kind of Easter

By Steven Sweeney


As I sit on Easter Sunday

With thoughts of days gone by

This the first in quarantine

The rules steadfast complied


But this year seems a little different

With dreams of loved ones past

So easy to self-isolate

To feel hard winds against the mast


To exist as only one alone

On a sea rough, loud and dark

Not a light up in the endless sky

A solitary Ark

Just as Noah did before us

Against all mounting odds

Just as David fought for his and more

Against men resembling Gods


We look to valiant heroes

Who better than ourselves

Always know to keep on fighting

In them true greatness delves


And then we can remember

Of how we must now act

To tame the headwinds blowing

To keep alive the pact


To what are we beholden?

What are the terms you ask?

We must remain in virtue golden

We must keep steady on the task


To seek and to acknowledge

Our single greatest strength

Our own forthright willpower

To go the distance full in length


So go forth with ardent fury

No excuses and no fuss

Do what must be done unflinching

Grip the wheel with intent purpose


And you will find but soon enough

Indeed you are not alone

There are angels looking out for you

There is hope yet to be sewn


Who whisper ever gently

Upon your hardened ears

Don’t worry, keep on going

In no challenge shall you fear


They will say in soft tone waves

Please just don’t give up

And you will soon find distant shores

A place where joy erupts


Like a never-ending geyser

Like a cup now runeth over

In yourself you’ll see a different view

A true divine makeover


You’ll find that troubles weighing

Is now opportunity abound

You’ll find a healthy balance

A fresh and sturdy ground


Then you will start to view again

Fruit and flowers bright to blossom

In with new found encouragement

Out with the old and rotten


Forward will the ship be steered

Direct for ports a yonder

Where refuge lies through fog and rock

To paths deserving of a wander


Where you will strive and live again

Where you can be your best

Where you can build on new horizons

And a comfortably high perched nest


And you will know true happiness

You will know you’re not alone

To take the good and sacrifice

What serves you best now shown


The fog no longer present

Now the winds you do embrace

In angels do you trust again

A heart full of love and grace


But never think the battles over

Herein lies not end of story

Resolve to keep on upward

And reach eternal glory.


Easter Easter eggs from Wikimedia Commons photographer Georgi Kirichov