The Written Page

The Gospel of Tolerance

by Jason Lee Morrison        11/7/2021 We’re all tolerating each other right now. Isn’t this nice. The gospel of tolerance is the most benign,...

American World by Jason Lee Morrison

It would be easy to say that we have won, but we cannot claim victory for a contest that we never entered, nor can...

The Annihilation of  Nothing and the Advent of Existence

Posted on July 24, 2021 by Jason Lee Morrison Everything is made of something. Nothing is made of nothing. And do not be so foolish as to equate “0” to nothing. “0” is something. And its presence brings with it tenants of reason, which is something. Nothing is not a vacuum. It is not empty space. It is not even infinity. It is No Thing and therefore bears no meaning. And it is all pervasive. For if something were to exist, it would infinitely replace nothing. Our so called “laws of the universe” point to it, just as they point to the concept of infinity, which is also incomprehensible, in spite of our awareness of it. Aristotle’s definition of nothing is the closest one can come to its comprehension: “Nothing is what rocks dream about.” Curiously, there cannot exist one elemental thing. One thing is not enough to exist. For, one thing existent alone is singularly pervasive and equally as meaningless as nothing. And the absence of meaning is nothing, for something has meaning, nothing does not, not only that, but there is no object to which its meaning (if it had any) to be meaningful to. There is no “quantum observer”. If it is not ______, then it is not. It cannot be a question mark. Again, “Nothing” is pervasive. Everything is nothing, or nothing is nothing. The advent of “something” then, means that the “something” is everything. If there is but one thing, and it is not, then it is all of nothing, and “nothing” is everything.
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