The Mode Lounge Creates The Pinwheel Cocktail; Portion Of Each April Sale To Be Donated To Help Fight Child Abuse


The Pinwheel Cocktail at The Mode LoungeThe Mode Lounge April Fundraiser is The Pinwheel, a tasty cocktail created for a great cause. For the entire month of April, the purpose of The Pinwheel cocktail (besides tasting delicious, of course) is to bring attention to and help support the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund. The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund states its Mission as Strengthening Families to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. They further state that The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund/Prevent Child Abuse Idaho provides funding, training and technical assistance to community-based programs working to strengthen families in order to prevent child abuse and neglect in Idaho.

To further this important program for the children who represent our future, $1 from every one of The Pinwheel cocktails sold through the month of April will be donated to the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund.

With the weather warming up in Boise, it is a perfect time to walk down 8th Street, also known as Boise on the Block; and stop at the legendary The Mode Lounge at the corner of 8th and Idaho Street. Whether you’re in the mood to sit inside at the comfortable bar or some of the seating with friends; or enjoy the expansive outdoor patio with plenty of tables for conversation and also people-watching at Idaho’s most popular pedestrian intersection, The Mode Lounge has you covered.

If you are craving something to eat along with your cocktails, The Mode Lounge has that covered also, working with next-door neighbor Piehole Pizza to provide a full menu of their delicious thin crust pizza slices and full pizzas. A wide variety of toppings are available both in build your own and specialty pizza varieties. They also have several types of vegan pies, sides and toppings.

Tyler, the General Manager of The Mode Lounge, made a round of The Pinwheel cocktails for Jaycie Blair and Lauren O’Connor, from the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund and Prevent Child Abuse Idaho; as well as one for The Boise Beat. He explained that the The Pinwheel consisted of Plymouth Gin, Lillet Blanc, Blue Curacao, Lemon Juice and Honey. Lauren mentioned that, “the drink is called The Pinwheel, which is our symbol for Child Abuse Prevention Month; because pinwheels symbolize the healthy and happy childhood that every kid should have. It’s a fun way for adults to see that and think of the happy childhoods that we’re hoping to work towards”.

Upon tasting it, Jaycie smiled and said, “It is so good, we were just talking about that! As soon as we got the ingredient list, we were excited and thought it would be really good. This is exactly the type of thing I normally order, it’s sweet with the lemon and the gin; so I’m such a fan!”. Lauren tasted hers and added, “I agree with Jaycie, it’s kind of like a refreshing, crisp spring drink, which I’m really excited about. It’s such a pretty looking drink, which is so nice! One of the great things about it is that it is blue, which is our color for the month. So we have Wear Blue Day on April 9, that’s part of our way for attention; so it’s really nice they were able to make it blue as well”.

Jaycie felt that participation like this with a local business is wonderful, saying, “We were so excited when we started with The Mode. We think this is a great way to reach the public and raise some awareness for the cause in ways that we wouldn’t be able to before”. Russ, owner of The Mode Lounge, summed up his feeling about why he has chosen the Idaho Children’s Trust Fund as the recipient of the Mode Lounge April Fundraiser, when he said, “Child abuse is unacceptable. Anything I can do to help prevent it, I’m in”. This April, help The Mode Lounge fight child abuse by enjoying The Pinwheel cocktail. Rarely does something that tastes so good accomplish so much good too.

The Mode Lounge

800 W. Idaho Street

Boise, ID 83702

The Mode Lounge Website

Idaho Children’s Trust Fund Website

Piehole Pizza Downtown Boise Website