Blind Harpdog’s All Stars Feature New CD Release Tunes At Upcoming Big Mic’s Show In Kuna


Blind Harpdog's All Stars at SandbarBlind Harpdog’s All Stars take to the stage at Big Mic’s Saloon & BBQ in Kuna for a very special exciting night, Saturday, April 3, 2021. Not only will they play a variety of blues and rock favorites, but each set will feature a special treat for all of Big Mic’s guests. Blind Harpdog’s All Stars consist of Dale (Blind Harpdog) Wilson on guitar, vocals and harmonica; Thomas Wilson on lead guitar; Eric Levinson on bass; Robert Sutherland on keys and Will Friend on drums. Blind Harpdog added, “Our special guest for the performance will be the fabulous Ms. Brooke Nicole. She will be featured in our third set of the night”.

Blind Harpdog's All Stars Dale and Thomas WilsonBlind Harpdog Wilson is no stranger to the stage at Big Mic’s Saloon and BBQ. Blind Harpdog said, “I am very excited to be back again at Big Mic’s. Big Mic’s has always made music a priority and it’s fitting that we are able to showcase our new album there and have our new CD on sale”. Of course, this new CD is the brand new album, Blind Harpdog and Son. The second set will feature the new album performed in its entirety, giving guests a chance to hear the album live with many of the artists featured on this new CD. For Dale Wilson, this album has a lot of meaning. He said, “The album is a labor of love. Thomas and I have been working together producing it for three years. I love every song on it. Some I have written recently and some go back to the early 90s. Every song tells a story”.

Brooke Nicole to perform with Blind Harpdog Wilson's All StarsMany of the songs on Blind Harpdog and Son really tell about meaningful moments in Dale Wilson’s life. New Old Daddy Blues talks about the life of a father of an 18 year old and a newborn, certainly a challenge for anyone to deal with. Poison Touch showcases both Blind Harpdogs’s fine harp playing and Thomas’ blistering guitar work. Make Me Laugh is a good old love song about personal happiness. Cheez-Whiz Kid is good old blues rock and roll, driven by Blind Harpdog’s harp playing and driving vocals.

I’m Tired is just what the title implies; a good old traditional blues tune about the partner “who always whines”. Without You features guest vocalist Brooke Nicole in a tale of two lovers. These and other tunes on Blind Harpdog and Son showcase not only the performing but the writing talents of Dale Wilson, who has penned all the tunes, some with co-writer Thomas Wilson.

Big Mic's will feature Blind Harpdog's All StarsBig Mic’s of course continues to put out some of the best smoked food and drink around. Besides their great BBQ, 18 craft beers on draft and their excellent craft smoked whiskey cocktails, they are now starting to use the creativity of their Chefs to come up with daily unadvertised Signature or Pitmaster specials. This is totally the creation of that day’s Chef On Duty and will be a limited time special that will be well worth trying. On top of the regular menu, this will give a nice chance for seasonal specialties and some truly unique dishes based upon locally-sourced ingredients such as Hagerman trout.

Saturday night’s show is a good chance to see a good mix of Blind Harpdog Wilson’s new original material, as well as some tried and true blues and rock tunes that long-time fans of his other popular Treasure Valley groups have enjoyed seeing for several years. Throw into the mix the amazing vocal talents of Brooke Nicole, and the excellent musicians playing with him at this show (some of whom also appear on the album) and it’s going to be a rockin’ blues night to start April off the right way!

Big Mic’s Saloon and BBQ Presents The Blind Harpdog Wilson All Stars

Saturday, April 3, 2021, 8:30-11:30pm MST

Free admission

Big Mic’s Saloon and BBQ

459 W. Main Street

Kuna, ID 83634

(208) 922-9494

Big Mic’s BBQ Facebook Page