Journeying through Faith and Music: Exclusive Conversations with Kurtis Hoppie, Derek Ryan, and Spencer Boliou

Backstage Pass with Kurtis Hoppie, Derek Ryan, and Spencer Boliou on the Boise Beat.

In an era where music transcends mere entertainment, becoming a potent tool for personal and societal transformation, ‘Backstage Pass’ by the Boise Beat brings forth a compelling conversation with hip-hop artists Kurtis Hoppie, Derek Ryan, and Spencer Boliou. This episode comes at a time when the music industry is grappling with themes of identity, purpose, and redemption. A recent survey by MusicWatch Inc. showed that 60% of young adults find music as a channel for self-expression and societal change, highlighting the significance of this dialogue.

How do artists in the modern music landscape navigate their calling, stay true to their art, and influence culture? This episode of ‘Backstage Pass’ explores this critical question, delving into the personal journeys of three diverse musicians.

‘Backstage Pass’ by Gordie Tamayo on the Boise Beat welcomes Kurtis Hoppie, Derek Ryan, and Spencer Boliou. In this episode, these artists share their unique experiences in the music industry, discussing their creative processes, personal growth, and the transformative power of music.


Main Points of Conversation:
1. Each artist’s moment of realization that music was their calling.
2. The evolving journey of their music styles and the impact of personal beliefs on their art.
3. The challenges of the music industry and their vision for its future.

Guest Bio: Kurtis Hoppie is recognized for his lyrical depth and melodic prowess. Derek Ryan’s style is a blend of poetic lyricism, while Spencer Boliou brings his multi-instrumental talent to the table. Each artist boasts significant contributions to the music industry, marked by personal growth and a commitment to authentic artistry. All three of them will be featured at Rise Up 2024 in Boise, Idaho.